3 Essential Best Practices To Maximize Conversions

Alexis Bossous October 17, 2023

Successful B2B marketers utilize Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) to fine-tune a business’s online presence and guide users seamlessly toward desired actions on a website – whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, downloading an asset, or requesting more information. Here are three proven best practices that will significantly improve user experience, boost engagement, and maximize conversions.

1. Improve Website Usability

Before users can convert, they need to navigate your website effortlessly. Usability is the cornerstone of CRO, it is all about ensuring a seamless and friction-free experience for your website visitors. To achieve this, be sure to review the following:

a. Technical Excellence: Conduct regular audits to identify and fix any technical glitches or errors on your website. Broken links, slow loading times, or formatting issues can drive users away faster than you can say “bounce rate.”

b. Content Accessibility: Make sure users can easily access the content or actions they’re looking for. Guide them seamlessly, enhancing their experience and encouraging exploration. If you’re promoting a featured product or content piece, provide a clear and intuitive path for users to explore it.

c. Mobile Optimization: Don’t forget about mobile users. Ensure that your website is responsive and functions flawlessly on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.

2. Clearly Define Calls-To-Action

Once your website is user-friendly, it’s time to guide your visitors along the path that leads to conversion. A clear navigational path paired with a relevant Call-To Action (CTA) leads users toward the desired action, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Each web page should have a specific purpose and a prioritized CTA. Here’s how to incorporate this:

a. CTA Placement: Your primary CTA should be prominently displayed. Consider placing it in the main navigation or within the hero section above the fold. Include a button with persuasive text and contrasting colors; make it impossible for users to miss.

b. Consistency: Ensure that the messaging and design of your CTAs are consistent throughout your website. A uniform look and feel will reinforce the action you want users to take.

c. Segmentation: Tailor your CTAs to different stages of the customer journey. Use language and incentives that resonate with users depending on whether they’re just exploring or ready to make a purchase.

3. Share Proof Points

People often seek reassurance before making a decision; encourage users to take action by instilling trust and confidence. Including proof points demonstrates the effectiveness of your solutions and builds credibility. Here’s how to integrate them effectively:

a. Benefit Bullets: Highlight the key benefits of your offerings using succinct, compelling bullet points. Showcase how your solutions solve customers’ problems effectively.

b. Testimonials and Reviews: Showcase positive feedback from satisfied customers, highlighting their positive experiences with your products or services. Genuine testimonials and reviews build trust and serve as social proof of your product’s value.

c. Awards and Accolades: If your business has received any awards or recognitions, display them proudly. They reinforce your credibility and expertise in your industry, reassuring users that they are making a well-informed decision.

d. Client Logos: If you have reputable clients or partners, display their logos. Associations with well-known brands will lend credibility to your business.

Conversion Rate Optimization is an ongoing process, but by implementing these best practices, you’ll not only enhance the user experience but also significantly increase your conversion rates. Remember, a seamless, user-friendly website coupled with compelling CTAs and trust-building proof points is the recipe for CRO success. Start applying these optimization strategies today, and watch your conversions soar!

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Alexis Bossous is a Paid Media Manager at Avid Demand.  She has experience managing successful campaigns across nearly all ad channels.  Alexis also specializes in paid media landing pages and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).